Monday, October 26, 2009

"How To" Series.... Lesson #1- How to Cater a Circumcision

What a strange beginning to my "How To" series of cooking... but there it is.  FAR be it for me to start out with "How To Boil Water.

The new addition to the small but powerful Peizer Clan is named Nathan Ari Peizer.  A little over 6 pounds, Nathan joined us on the day of Yom Kippur.  Supposedly, according to the Rabbi, he is the Messiah.  People born on the one day the Jewish people repent for our sins, I guess, are going to be the ones that lead our people bach to Jerusalem (if by that time it has not been blown apart). 

So when my brother asked me to "help" a little with the cooking for the guests that would be attending the glorious tradition of the snipping of his son (and we jews know how to make every occasion a reason to celebrate... like Native American who pray for rain when they see clouds and then, POOF, it rains!), how could I have resisted to make this a great reason to eat wonderful food that would make everyone feel better about the fact that Baby Nathan was going to be in a lot of pain.  Well, except for the fact that my brother, with the guidance of the Rabbi and the Moil, one of only 2 in Kansas City sanctioned to perform a kosher snipping of the foreskin (cuz you know otherwise it just ain't kosher to do that to a human being!) proceeded to get baby Nathan, just 8 days old, sufficiently drunk for the occasion.  I don't think he really felt a thing, to be honest with you... and I was given one of the most important roles of the evening, which was to carry the screaming baby out of the room once the deed had been done (somehow, my brother got it into his head that the baby seemed the calmest when it was in my arms so why not see what woudl happen after his little pee-pee got chopped off).  FUN!

So back to the food... I was told the Rabbi was a Vegetarian and the Moil was OK with eating Traif (the Hebrew word for pork and shellfish).  So How was I to please everyone?
Basically cook vegetarian food and have some meat on the side.    Honestly, what kind of a Rabbi are you if you aren't kosher?  I'll tell you- a non kosher Rabbi... an oxymoron in my opinion.

Without describing in too much detail the food I made, I will say this.... The Rabbi and The Moil decided that when the event was over, I should move to Kansas City and the three of us could tour the city doing circumcisions as a package deal... of course you know this pleased my mother immensely!

My recommendation?  All the Manichewitz you can drink!
And if they ain't kosher.... bring it on!
after all Bacon is a vegetable!

Smoked Sable Cucumber Cups
Leek and Truffle Stuffed Mushrooms
Potato, Bean, and Goat Cheese Salad
Roasted Corn and Avocado Salad with Lime Dressing
Thyme Crusted New York Strip
Grilled Vegetable Strudels

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oy! A wonderful time was had by all. You should think about circumcision catering as a possible career - you could call your company "A Little off the Top".

BTW Rabbi turned out not to be a vegetarian after all (somehow I think a vegetarian Rabbi is just as strange as a non-kosher one, but that's just me).

In traditional Jewish fashion, both the mohel and the Rabbi said they couldn't stay to eat, but they would have just one bite. This was followed by the wrapping of much food in paper towels as they left...

The food was great, and thank God for the catering - we ate this food for the next four days which was awesome since my wife and I did not have the patience to cook. It was just as good as when you made it!

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Napa Valley, California, United States
I teach Culinary Arts